b'including Sam Parker, Eben Low, Fred Wunderberg, andfor ina Paka (Parker Ranch) was very much part of his Alfred Magoon. When an irate Carter confronted them,upbringing.ParkerbackeddownandagreedtojointlypurchaseDuring World War II, he put the ranch into service as Waikoloa on July 13, 1903, for a sum of $112,000.a training grounds for U.S. Marines, ushering in a time of Withthispurchase,CarterincreasedParkerRanchwhirlwind change for the ranch, the island, and the future holdings to 314,000 acres, jointly held by heirs Thelma andstate as a whole. When the war was over, America had Samuel Parker. In 1906, Samuel sold his half-heritage todiscovered the allure of Hawai`i as a tourist destination. Thelma for $600,000. At its height in the 1930s and 40s,As travel became more affordable and efficient, and as the Parker Ranch held 500,000 acres, either leased or fee simple,islands sugar cane economy began to fade, opportunities for and 30,000 head of cattle.business development were anxiously sought after.Carter made the lands at `Anaeho`omalu available to ranch employees as a recreation area. Families would camp,A V I S I O N O F T H E F U T U R Eswim, surf, fish, play music, and relax for a week or a monthIn 1960, Lawrence Rockefeller was invited to tour poten-at a time, sending Dad off to work on Monday, to returntialresortsitesbythen-GovernorWilliamQuinn.He with supplies Friday afternoon. chose the beachfront at Kaunaoa, a few miles north of Undeveloped,quietandpeaceful,withlongsunny`Anaeho`omalu. At the same time, another American venture days for swimming and dark, starry nights for reflection,capitalist, Johnno Jackson, was creating his bungalow-style `Anaeho`omalu was a very special place for paniolo families. resort, Kona Village, 15 miles to the south. Between, nothing Thelmas son, Richard Smart, became Parker Ranchsbut lava rock, kiawe trees, goats, and donkeys. sixth general heir and final owner in 1915. Only two yearsRichard Smart made the decision to sell some of this low-old when his parents died, he was raised by his aunt, mostlyyield land along the coast for resort development. It is land on the mainland and abroad, although his aloha and kuleanathe cows dont like but the tourists lovehot and barren, 800-900 AD 1200-1400 1778The first inhabitantsPopulation atCaptain James Cook of `Anaeho`omalu`Anaeho`omalumakes first European settle near the large,increases and severalcontact, catalyzing an naturally-occuringsites in the area arehistoric era of drastic ponds, living in lavaoccupied by families.change for Hawai`i. rock structures. A smallOver the next 200 fishing communityyears, residents build begins. community structures and establish trails between settlements. 2 6'