b'T H E P A N T R YYou probably already know that buying local produceIt can be tricky to find the truly raw versions of means higher nutrient levels, a smaller eco-footprint,plant-based cooking essentials. For example, unrefined and the opportunity to support local farmers. Butcoconut oil is fairly common, but cold-pressed organic, quality produce also comes with vastly improvednot so much. Our favorite source for coconut oil, flavor and texture. As with any cuisine, high-qualityraw organic cashews, raw hemp seeds, and raw cacao ingredients allow for simple dishesand less is morepowder is Ojio (myojio.com). We use these ingredients when it comes to delicious food. No seasoning canoften so its worth it to buy the best quality. Another replicate the flavor of a perfectly ripe vegetable. good supplier is Vitacost (vitacost.com).T O O L S & E Q U I P M E N TThere are certain tools and pieces of equipment that are essential for us. For the home cook, they just make life a lot easier:F O O D P R O C E S S O R We use ours to quickly slice andS I L I C O N B A K E W A R ESilicon baking sheets allowshred vegetables, to grind oats or nuts into flour, toyou to skip greasing your pans, which cuts down on make nut butter, and to process a multitude of rawoil. Silicon baking pans come in a huge array of shapes cookies, bars, and truffles. and sizes. They can be used for baking things like cakes and cupcakes and also for freezing things like M A N D O L I NJapanese style mandolins are lightweight,raw cheesecakes.affordable, and easy to use. They grate and slice raw vegetables into uniform pieces, and can get paper-thinD E H Y D R A T O RThe dehydrator is one way that raw slices with minimal effort. foods can be cooked up to 110F without destroying important enzymes. One of the most common S P I R A L I Z E R Useful for preparing raw dishes. Nodehydrated products you see is kale chips. Sometimesother tool will turn vegetables like zucchini anda regular oven propped open and set to a low heat cancarrots into uniform noodle shapes so quickly. be used as an alternative.m a s o n J A R SThe narrow necks and nonreactiveG O O D K N I V E S A cook is only as good as his knives. quality of glass jars are essential for preparingA quality knife allows for precise cuts, which is fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi. Theyreextremely important for raw dishes where sometimes also easily available and come in a variety of sizes. a certain cut is the only preparation method used on H I G H - S P E E D B L E N D E RDressings and purees can an ingredient.be made in a regular blender with a little more timeand effort.9'