b'C H A P T E R 7 | S U R F I N GSPORTOF K INGSpon one thing iam resolved :the snarkshall not sail fromh onolulu untili, too, wing my heels with the swiftness of the sea, and become a sunburned, skin-peeling Mercury.Jack London, Surfing: The Royal Sport, 1907`Anaeho`omalu Bay, fronting Waikoloa Beach`Anaeho`omalu Bay, and Pueos as having the Resort, is known to Hawai`i Island surfers asbest high-performance waves on this side of one of the better spots to catch waves along thethe island.Kohala Coast.Theres also Pua Ka`ilima Cultural Surf Park When its 20 feet at Jaws (one of Mauisat Kawaihae, which hosts an annual longboard renowned surf spots) its 6-8 feet here, sayscompetition. This break is said to have been a photographer Kirk Aeder, a resident of Hawai`ifavorite spot of Ka`ahumanu, wife of Hawai`is Islandsincetheearly1990s,whoseresumerevered Kamehameha the Great, who himself includes published work in Surfer, The Surferswas born in North Kohala and learned to surf Journal ,and other international magazines thatalong the Kona-Kohala Coast.focus on the sport. But the surf here is cleanerSurrounded by an endless ocean with no and more manageable. other landmasses to obstruct it, the Hawaiian UpanddowntheKohalaCoast,thoseIslands draw open ocean swells from all direc-more manageable waves are found in abun- tions, Aeder says. Along this coast we get dance, drawing beginners and aficionados alike.primarily west and northwest swells, which is Aeder lists Hapuna Beach, Waialea (Beach 69),ideal.8 7'