b"Playing LessonsValue Cant BeUnderestimatedThe most efficient way to improve at golf is through lessons, of course. Having a golf professionals immediate feedback and lesson plan keeps golfers on the right path. But even better, says Bluejacks Director of Instruction Rich Barcelo, is a playing lesson.That might sound obvious but most golfers never consider playing lessons. They should, Barcelo contends, no matter what their level is. And there are several reasons for it. First, on the range, golfers have optimal playing conditions, usually hitting the same club over and over again which allows them to get into a groove. Lies are generally level, and the pressure is not there.During a playing lesson, though, an instructor can observe all aspects of a players game and truly evaluate not only what parts of his or her game pieces in addition to the usual polos, hats,need the most help, but how that player manages the course. I call it raising shoes, and balls. Much of it is perfect fora golfers playing IQ, says Barcelo, a former Tour player who has been at anyone moving into a cottage, looking toBluejack for six years.decorate a kitchen, study, or bedroom.Plus, when out on the course, there are time gaps between each shot.There are items for kids and active wearFrom that playing lesson, as a coach, I can then see what the player is for both men and women. And Bluejack isdoing, what their strengths are, what their weaknesses are, Barcelo says. Then one of the few clubs in America that haswe can develop a plan for improvement based on what I saw.a Lululemon account, which Crooks saysAnd, from those playing lessons, what does Barcelo see as the most common sells like gangbusters for us. solution to shaving off the most strokes in the shortest amount of time?Obviously it helps that we dont haveNinety-nine percent of the time, he says, its short-game.a dress code, Crooks says. It's a lot more fun when you can buy comfortable clothes and not your typical collared shirt and pleated pants.Bluejack also has a tremendous relation-ship with Nike, meaning it gets merchan-dise most golf retailers dont get to carry.Were fortunate enough to get the Jordan special edition product drops when they do drop, Crooks says. And Tiger (Woods) just came out with his new logo. And were probably one of only about three shops that are able to use that Tiger Woods new logo right now. bluejacknational.com 9"