b'full time and we keep growing the team. BluejackLanternBuilders is now a permanent part of our communityFamily Foundationto provide clients with a complete service offering consistent with Bluejacks brand and standards. WeAndy and Kristin Mitchell have worked hard to get to where they want buying a Bluejack home to be synonymousare. But they will be the first to tell you how fortunate they are. with high-quality product and service. Our realThey instill that feeling with their five children, and they involve the estate customers will enjoy privileged access towhole family in giving back.special events and services that only BluejackFor the Mitchells, this is way more than lip service. Theyve always Builders can provide them. We are not going to bebeen involved in good causes, but for the past couple of years, theyve shy about our quest for long-term brand excellencequietly run the Lantern Family Foundation, which helps out families as a sustainable, carefully curated community. Wein a number of different ways. Some comes from personal monetary want to continually raise the architectural standardsdonations, while other work may be in the form of donated services, and unique aesthetic that is Bluejack. access to the club, or special events.This is our sixth baby, Kristin says of the Foundation. Andy What are your thoughts on havingand I feel incredibly blessed. We both just carry that gratitude tournaments and events at Bluejack? You hadforward to help others who are less fortunate. So, we created the the big Hurricane Harvey benefit that raisedLantern Family Foundation to help families in need across the board more than a million dollars a few years ago, but health, education, military families, and so on. We give to a broad now it looks like the LPGA will be conductingrange of organizations.a major in the Houston area. Would you beThe work comes in many layers. Kristin heads the Foundation board, interested in having that event at Bluejack? but she also sits on many other charitable boards, such as Childrens ANDY: Yes. The LPGA is the only one weve talkedHealth of Dallas. As Andy points out, Childrens Health is her focus and seriously about coming here. Early on we discussedpassionwithout strong, healthy families where would the world be?PGA events, however their needs and the impactThe Mitchells recently auctioned off a weekend Bluejack experience on our club and community was not a good fit. Youto stay at their home that raised $100,000 for the American Cancer lose your golf course for a long period of time andSociety. The Foundation also supports the Quick Reaction Foundation, the infrastructure requirements for corporate tentsan organization that supports military families by providing funds and and fans is so immense. The LPGA would be a goodspace for retreats for families healing from loss and soldiers recovering fit for us. And we would be honored to do it if boththemselves. When the Foundation gives, it often encourages others who parties agree this is the best place for the event. know the Mitchells to give as well. The Mitchells are busy planning their next home at Bluejack that will be focused on providing an environment How do you see Bluejacks legacy playing out? to host private events and focus on charitable work.KRISTIN: Years from now, people will rememberThere are personal stories as well. In one instance, the Foundation how they grew up here. Every stage of your lifeprovided access to a Bluejack cottage for a Dallas-area woman and her there was something to do. family for six months while she was being treated for a brain tumor at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.ANDY: Growing up, I couldnt have walked throughHer kids would come down for her while she received treatments, the gates of a place like Bluejack unless I was look- Kristin recalls. She could get her treatments and come back to the ing for a job. So, for me to have a place thats safecottage. It was safe, it was clean, it was private. And these are just and people can come together, enjoy their success,different ways we give back though our Foundation. It isnt always and enjoy life is really special.monetary, but experiences for healing as well.bluejacknational.com 27'